It seems that the stress of working a repetitive job for a long time really does take its toll on the weaker-hearted, and some snap in the most inappropriate moments. Like this Florida school bus driver, who loses her patience far too easily, especially since she was dealing with an 8-year-old girl with special needs.
The video linked after the jump shows the bus driver Stephanie Wilkerson, aged 41, kicking the girl off the bus, and then rushing down the steps to help her. Florida prosecutors released the footage on Wednesday, and the details that come with it say that the driver also slapped the girl prior to kicking her out, for not waiting her turn in order to get off the bus.
What's more alarming is that the fall from the bus steps gave the girl a fractured ankle. Justice was served, though, and the bus driver was charged with aggravated child abuse, and rightly so.
Stephanie Wilkerson had been working as a bus driver since 2008, and her record was clean, with no incidents been reported prior to the one shown in this video.
By Andrei Nedelea

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